our journey through Europe...

A collection of pictures and words documenting our life in Germany

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lambsborn "Dragon Teeth"

While Lita was gone Kali and I did a bunch of hiking and found some interesting things.  Did some research and found out about the Siegfried Line that Hitler built to stop the Allied forces from advancing into Germany.  Parts of this "wall" are all around our village so Kali and had to go check some of it out on the other side of the mountain.  We found what were called the Dragon Teeth; Some info here.  There are also some bunkers close by too that we couldn't find but might try again next weekend.  There was actually a battle here too which is pretty interesting.

Found em!  This was deep in the woods, so it was pretty overgrown with trees.

These things were used to stop allied tanks from advancing.  The French blew up the majority of these after the war along with the bunkers.

An American tank was blown up somewhere out here I believe, down the hill from the teeth.

Kali taking a break after the short hike.

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